Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tic Toc

Every Military wife has to go through it, the inevitable deployment, assignment, TDY, etc. well It's my turn.
I'm trying to be happy and appreciate the last 6 months that I had with him here in Korea, but it's very hard.
I am a teacher here, and I live 6 hours away from my husband. So can I appreciate being able to see him on the weekends? OF COURSE, but was it enough? Not at all.

As my contract expires, along with it goes my visa, and so it's time to go back to the United States. My husband is at a non command sponsored base, so that means I was one of few spouses visiting the base on a regular.

I now have 11 days left to be with my love and then my 181 day stretch of waiting begns.
181 days of no kisses
181 days of no touching
181 days of worry
181 days of phone calls, skypes, and text messages
181 days of sleeping alone... that is the worst.

Before we got married, being away from each other wasn't this difficult... but now we are one. Our connection is stronger.

So what will I be doing to make the time go faster?... hmmmm GREAT question.

*Go back to school
*Read more
*Volunteer on and off base
*Spend time with friends
*Plan for his return, and next assignment
*Self Improvement
*Do It Yourself Arts and crafts
*Finish my book
*Take time to be present and appreciate our lives, health and family...

and maybe do some traveling! :)

What are some ways you cope?

Until next time... Take care of YOU

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